Twaalf lidmate se hofstryd met die NG Kerk omtrent selfdegeslagverhoudings: Om ’n bevestiging van seksuele diversiteit te verseker (Laurie Gaum, Chris Jones)

Gratis beskikbaar by African Sun Media.

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Volle titel: Twaalf lidmate se hofstryd met die NG Kerk omtrent selfdegeslagverhoudings: Om ’n bevestiging van seksuele diversiteit te verseker (Twelve members’ court battle with the Dutch Reformed Church: Assuring an affirmation of sexual diversity)

Outeurs: Laurie Gaum en Chris Jones

eISBN: 9780620953740

Publisher: African Sun Media

Genre: Law / Constitutional

Oor die boek

At the beginning of 2017, the “backlash cycle” was in full swing in church denominations in South Africa as far as embracing sexual diversity was concerned. In 2015 a momentous decision by the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) embracing inclusivity in allowing LGBTIQA+ ministers to not be celibate and its ministers to officiate same-sex marriages, surprised friend and foe. But this was reversed a year later in an Extraordinary General Synod of the church. The disappointing outcome of the De Lange v Methodist Church of Southern Africa case had just been handed down by the Constitutional Court, and the Anglican Church’s stalling on fully affirming sexual diversity, continued.

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