Professore voel oor König-boek nes Luke oor trui

Hierdie is een van ’n paar artikels wat deel van ’n debat is oor Adrio König se boek Die evangelie is op die spel.

Kyk Adrio König antwoord teoloë wat sy nuwe boek erg kritiseer vir die vorige artikel en Teoloë kap König oor sy nuwe boek vir die oorspronklike artikel.

Om die Luke Watson-kommentaar in konteks te stel: Luke Watson, seun van die anti-apartheidstryder, Cheeky Watson, het in Oktober 2008 gesê dat hy wil braak op die Springboktrui omdat dit met apartheid vereenselwig word.


Professore voel oor König-boek nes Luke oor trui | Rapport

2 Mei 2009

(Oorsponklike artikel kan hier gelees word.)

Marlene Malan


Op sý boek wil twee professore doen wat die rugbyspeler Luke Watson verlede jaar op die Springbok-trui wou doen.

Nou vra prof. Adrio König, skrywer van die boek Die Evangelie is op die spel, “of dit nie raadsaam vir die beeld van die NG Kerk sou wees om te sê hoe die kerk oor dié brief voel” wat die dekaan van die fakulteit teologie aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, prof. Cas Vos, en sy kollega, prof. Dirk Human aan die uitgewer Lux Verbi geskryf het nie.

Die brief is ook aan die pers beskikbaar gestel. Hierin teiken hulle König op ’n persoonlike vlak en noem hom onder meer “Bosveldboer”, “Kleinboer” en “selfaangestelde Messiaanse bevryder”.

Hulle trap ook Lux Verbi se hoof, mnr. Stephan Spies, uit en sê by die lees van die boek het “ons soos Luke Watson gevoel, behalwe dat dié saak nie oor ’n rugbytrui handel nie”.

Hulle noem König ’n “deurwagter van die NG Kerk” wat homself beskou as ’n “Messiaanse bevryder wat oorloop van selfvoldaanheid”.

Voorts trek hulle König se teologiese kennis in twyfel en stel voor hy moet “minder boer en meer naleeswerk doen”.

König het nog twee teologiese boeke gepubliseer – Radikaal anders soos Jesus en’n Perspektief op Openbaring.

König het ten sterkste ontken “dat daar waarheid steek in Vos en Human wat in die brief impliseer dat ek hulle ‘duiwels’ noem. Dit kom nie in die boek voor nie. “My boek is ’n saaklike behandeling van die gepubliseerde standpunte van leidende teoloë.

“Ek wonder of dit nie raadsaam vir die beeld van die NG Kerk sou wees om te sê hoe die kerk oor die brief voel nie.”

Hy sê hy nooi alle teoloë wie se standpunte in die boek behandel word, uit tot ’n openbare debat.

“Tien dae gelede het ek prof. Human in die pers uitgenooi om te antwoord op die vier of vyf duidelike teologiese vrae wat ek in die boek aan hom vra. Ek is teleurgesteld dat hy nog nie daarop gereageer het nie.”


Lees die volgende artikel by König: “Publiek het reg om ingelig te word,” sê uitgewer.

Kommentaar op artikel hierbo

Prof. Konig 03/05/09, 05/05/2009, Lidmaat
Picasso, baie dankie vir jou verduideliking wat by Tukkies aangaan. Die gewone lidmaar en publiek weet nie. Ons wat met van die jong studente te doen het en wat tog praat wat daar geleer word, het my as gewone lidmaat van die kerk al baie bekommerd gehad. Eintlik skokkend. As ’n gewone mens lees en verstaan ek die Bybel net soos Prof Adrio Konig dit verstaan en verkondig. Dit is jammer dat prof. Cas Vos, en sy kollega, prof. Dirk Human nie Jesus se voorbeeld in die Bybel volg en lewe nie.Dit wat ek in die Rapport lees was vir my ’n skok. Ek dink dit hoort nie by die kinders van die Here.Om die selfde stelling te maak oor die boek as die rugbyspeler oor sy trui, het my respek vir die 2 persone laat verloor. Ja en ek stem saam, dit maak baie skade aan die NG Kerk. Nie aan ons wat al sterk in geloof gegroei het en die woord van God glo soos Hy dit vir ons gegee het nie, maar dit maak skade aan die mense wat nog nie sekerheid het, of wat nog tot bekering moet kom. As die 2 Prof se sienning waar sou wees, wat bly oor om aan mense te verkondig. Ek dink dit wat die woord ons teen waarsku, oor die DWAALLERAARS, het ook tot vervullig gekom. Prof Konig, hou vas aan dit wat u glo en dankie dat ons u kan vertrou om die Woord suiwer te verkondig.

Konig, 04/05/2009, Fanie
Walter se kritiek op Prof Konig is totaal onvanpas en toon maar net dat hy ( Walter ) die gang van die hele argument aan die stert beet het. Prof Konig is reeds ’n voorstander van die konserwatiewe siening oor die onderwerpe soos die maagdelike geboorte, en die opstanding van Jesus uit die dood. Proff. Vos en Human is die ontkenners van bogenoemde leerstellings. Soos die ou gese het : “moenie skiet nie dit is onse mense”.

Human(is), 04/05/2009, Guido
In die dae toe ek nog by Tukkies gestudeer het en onder andere deur dr. Human (toe nog mnr Human) se klasse moes deurloop, het heelwat studente hom die bynaam gegee: mnr. Humanis, juis omdat sy ‘verklaring’ van die Woord humanisties en nie teosentries was nie. G’n wonder dat Konig ’n probleem het met Humanis se standpunte nie.

Lieg en hallusineer getuies., 04/05/2009, Brentie
Hier onder spoegg en plak ek die getuienis van mense wat daar was en Angus gehelp het.Lieg en hallusineer hulle of praat hul die waarheid en moet hul getuienis aanvaar word en ons stilbly en op ons kniee gaan en God dank? “Men of Promise – God genees, 03/05/2009, Man of Promise Gaan besoek om te hoor by die wat daar was. Hieronder die getuienis van die Paramedikus wat Angus behandel het, ook beaam deur 2 dokters wat teenwoordig was. ” Impressions of a Medic at Mighty Men 09 – 28 April 2009 3 months ago the deal was finalized. I would supply the medical cover at this year’s event. I was competing against a rival company, and was prepared to equal their quote for 3 vehicles on site. I promise 3 vehicles, but would throw in a field hospital, 2 quads and 10 outstations in at the same price. These would be manned from Friday morning to Sunday night. Having done the event last year, I knew what I was letting myself in for. After all, last year we had 65 000 men attending, and we coped with them with our 10 medics, all volunteers. With the 200 000 expected, we would have many more volunteers, and the money we would be paid, would cover our disposables and travelling expenses, as well as our meals. I planned to discount whatever we did not spend, as this was an event I would not do for money?.. 3 days to go. I have not slept very well for the last 3 weeks. I have searched high and low for medics, but have only 3. Myself and one ambulance that I am standing down from my operations. I phone my stepson, who is one of the ambulance staff and plead with him to find me more staff. Even the medics who attended last year have pulled out. I have phoned my competitors and asked them to take over the event; assuring them that the exposure they will get far exceeds the little money they will get paid. Again I am turned down. Then I receive a SMS from my step-son: DEPEND ON IT – GOD KEEPS HIS WORD. DOUBT IS A DEMONIC DETOUR. WHEN YOU GET TO WHERE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE, HIS PROVISION WILL ALREADY BE IN PLACE, NO TURNING BACK. OK, But I have already prayed and asked?. I am now in panic mode, and I change my requirements from Christian Male Volunteers to Christian Male Medics that will be paid, and eventually to any Male Medic who is prepared to work for money. This will be financial ruin, but I no longer care. One Day to go. Thursday morning I receive a message that my North Coast manager has managed to find some medics, as has someone in Durban, and 5 are available in Pietermaritzburg. I proceed to Mighty Men to set up the Field Hospital for Friday morning. Buy sunset the first patients arrive, even though we are only on duty from Friday. Already 60 000 men are on site. My ambulance is dispatched immediately to cover the event during the night, and by sunrise 6 patients have been treated, all minor ailments. Friday morning dawns, without any sleep. Two medics from Durban do not show up, two from North Coast and 3 from Pietermaritzburg. I am left with 20. Not quite what I was hoping for, but manageable all the same. I hate myself for doubting in the first place. However, I am the only paramedic, and should we have to move a serious patient, the event will be left with nothing but ambulance staff. It will just have to do! By 10am the patients are starting to arrive. Flu, runny tummy, asthma, allergy, silly things that mean a lot to the patient, but are not what we are trained for. We need the serious stuff to make our life worth while?.. A Provincial Ambulance response vehicle pulls up with a doctor, required by Disaster Management to be in the OPS CENTER in case of disaster. This center is based about 10 meters from our field hospital. The Doctor strolls in and introduces himself in a heavy Zulu accent. Great I think, just what I need, an intern who is forced to do his work at a provincial ambulance service. He promptly announces to the organizers and police manning the OPS Center that should they require him; he will be at the field hospital, and promptly starts to scratch through our equipment. I am too busy to arrange medics at the outstations to worry about him at this stage anyway. By the time I have everyone arranged, stations worked out, instructions given, I become aware that the Doctor is the only one in the tent, treating patients. I wander across for a closer look, and discover that he is not just handing out the few medications we have, but is actually examining the patients with their aches and pains, and actually treating them. ‘This simply wont do’ he announces, and drives off to Greytown and returns shortly afterwards with half the hospital pharmacy, handing out anti-biotics and medications that you need to study at least 7 years just to pronounce. Wow, now this is what was needed in the first place. In addition, he unpacks ventilators, heart monitors, vital signs monitors etc from his vehicle. When the going gets really tuff, another doctor arrives to help out. Another 3 doctors treat patients at the outposts, his provision will already be in place!!!!!? Friday night Angus does an altar call and sees literally 1000’s give their live to the Lord. Awesome! Out the corner of my eye I catch one of my medics holding his hand high up. Wow, and I wanted only Christian medics here. The night offers little sleep. Some patients need hospitalization. There are some broken bones from falls on the motorcycles, some medical cases, all stable, none life threatening. When things do quieten down, I am amazed to see medics sitting in small groups, bible in hand. Words are falling on fertile land everywhere. Another piece of the Lords way falls into place. God has a plan with everything. His way, not ours. Why is this repeated over and over again and again I am still surprised by it. Saturday morning breaks cool and clear. Soon the heat takes over, but all runs well. The medics are doing their job, the doctor is amazing. The service is electrifying. Men are called to honor God, to put him first, to honor their family. Angus talks of the war that the devil is waging against all believers. We need to be fit to fight the war. He does pushups, runs on the stage, tells us that God loves us and wants a personal relationship with us, and tells us that God talks to us. He tells us to read the bible, and makes us promise that we will. ‘Good people don’t go to heaven, BELIEVERS go to heaven!’ He tells us how he has had a restless night with no sleep. He has had a fever, but after his wife prayed for him, the fever has left him. He tells us that he is tired, but must fight the war. After 2 hours he is visibly exhausted and after praise and worship we make our way back, slowly, between 200 000 men. No sooner do we reach out tent when a marshal rushes over with the news that we are needed urgently at the main stage for a patient who had collapsed. We make our way back through the endless crowds, eventually reaching the stage, only to find one of our ambulances already there. I find it strange that the patient is under the stage, but push through anyway. Maybe they needed the shade for the patient. Near the entrance I find an elderly gentleman lying on the floor. He is covered in sweat, already has a drip up, and has an oxygen mask on. I kneel down next to him to asses him, and discover it is Angus. Even lying there, he keeps telling us that this is a war; the Devil will attack every where. He explains that he is exhausted! Whilst still lying on the floor he makes plans for the night service. He will take it easy tonight; maybe even sit on a chair whilst preaching. We all know that this will be impossible for him. Even so, we remove the drip and help him to his feet. Outside the stage area, men are praying and singing, and shout and clap when Angus appears. He is taken to his house by car, still weak. 30 minutes after we arrive back at the tent, another usher appears. We need a stretcher urgently at Angus’s house. No other information. Could be someone who has come for prayer, or could be Angus himself. We fly through the crowds. Security men let us through, and we grab the stretcher and jump-bags before rushing into his modest house. The walls are thick, with small windows, and little light. We are spotted and chased out. Once we get out into the light, we are recognized and sent around the house to the front lawn. There we find Angus, on his side, unresponsive, our Zulu Dr and another Dr at his side. The heart monitor is already attached, a new drip running full speed. I ask the doctor for an update. He informs me that Angus collapsed, and glances at the monitor. One look and my worst fears are realized. The rhythm is very abnormal, with an Inverted ‘T’ wave, typically found with a Heart Attack. I look at the Blood Pressure monitor – More bad news, it reads 80 / 40. The oxygen mask is already on, with all holes masked up to try and increase the concentration of Oxygen delivered to Angus. I have seen this many times before. I know what happens next. These are the precious few seconds we are given to prepare for the inevitable. CPR is just seconds away. Angus has already received his Disprin and TNT Spray to dilate blood-vessels around the heart and assist with the breaking down of blood-clots. He is deeply unconscious. I know the drill, so I pull out my Drug bag and break open the resuscitation drugs we will need shortly. Adrenaline in one syringe, Atropine in another with Calcium Gluconate in a third. To counteract acidosis that occurs during CPR, I set up the Sodium BiCarbonate Drip, but don?t attach it yet. Angus is still going, barely, which gives me a chance to select the tube that will shortly go down his throat to assist in his breathing. I check the equipment to do this with. He is still going, barely. I pull out the paddles from the heart machine, and place the gel next to it. This will be needed to deliver the shocks to his chest to attempt the re-starting of his heart. At this stage Angus?s blood-pressure remains low, despite the drip running full-out. I select another, smaller drip and add to it 4 ampoules of adrenaline. Sometimes this helps to increase the blood-pressure. It seems to be working. His blood-pressure climbs slowly to 100 / 60, still dangerously low, but better. Now we need to decide on how to move him to a specialist as quickly as possible. A helicopter has already landed, but a quick inspection shows that we cannot lie Angus down anywhere inside the cramped aircraft, and his condition is too critical to take a chance. A medical Helicopter is required, and is summonsed. How lucky that I know the manager personally, and can dispense with all formalities of protocols and Guarantees of payments. Is this luck? It leaves immediately. In the distance, I hear the call over the massive speakers for the men to get together and pray. Tens of Thousands heed the call and move in that direction. Thousands more collect around Angus’s house. Loud prayers are heard everywhere. I am acutely aware of the chill in the air, the clouds that are suddenly building up. THIS IS WAR keeps going through my mind. If this is a war, I am living in the middle of it. This servant of GOD is being struck down. Angus slowly regains consciousness. His family is by his side. There is no panic, no fear. I have never experienced this before. They are just by his side, holding his hand. Such peace. There is no doubt in anybody’s mind that Angus is about to meet the Lord. The helicopter lands and another paramedic jumps out. Caleb, one of the best paramedics I know and trust. After a quick handover, Angus is loaded into the Helicopter and takes off. I can still see his face, straining to look out, waving with both hands. I feel exhausted, and spend a long time picking up the medical waste. With a heavy heart I get back to the tent. I am dismayed at the number of people packing up their tents and leaving. At the same time, I have no doubt that Angus will not be back soon, if at all. However, I know that I am not here to meet Angus. I am here to meet Jesus. That night, rumors spread that Angus has been discharged. However, I know better. I was there, I had seen the cardiac rhythm, had seen the low blood-pressure, and had personally infused the adrenalin. Either way, I attend the night meeting, and find peace and joy in knowing God. The next morning I am summonsed to set up a station under the stage. Angus will preach! How can that be? Obviously he has forced himself out of hospital, and barely clinging to life, will now attempt a sermon in spite of his condition! How wrong I am. He arrives with his family and friends, is full of life, kneels and prays before going up to the stage to present his sermon. He talks of his day lying helpless on his lawn, and asks if we are ready to meet the Lord? He was close to meeting him yesterday, but he was healed. The cardiologist ran stress tests; they ran blood tests, and every other conceivable test. Final diagnosis ? NOTHING. NO ABNORMALITIES DETECTED. No abnormal chemical levels, no traces of heart damage, NOTHING. He is discharged 3 hours after arriving at the hospital. Either I need to go back to study, because after 25 years I have no idea what I am doing, or accept that God is capable of great miracles. Personally, I believe the latter. Angus has his preach, and many more give their lives to the Lord. It is a war, and those that left before Sunday, are the casualties of this war. Those that stayed saw the greatness of our God. Those that came to meet Angus, were disappointed. Those that came to meet God, met him. Sunday afternoon comes, and we pack up. We are exhausted, but feel alive. My body tells me it?s been through hell. Every joint aches, every muscle complains. It feels like it has been at war. My sole is alive and on fire. God is mighty, He is good. I pay my medics. Total cost? EXACTLY the amount quoted 3 months before the event!!! Travelling costs, meals and disposables will be recovered from the few ambulance transfers done by the ambulance. ??.his provision will ALREADY be in place? just does not want to get out of my mind. At the debrief, we hear of testimonies of men who’s business back home improved dramatically whilst he was serving at Mighty Men, we hear of SMS’s that were received before Angus’s collapse of impending danger, people phoning from around the world with prayers and words of encouragement. What an awesome GOD we serve! We are warned or the devils attack in the week to come, where he will try and destroy all the good that has been done. Already there is talk of Angus having been flown to Hospital with a stroke and that this was done only for money etc. The Devil is at work, and THIS IS WAR. OUR GOD IS GOOD?.ALL THE TIME!!!! In total we treated close to 200 patients. Dr Ntuli was awesome. The experience was great. It allowed me to serve with the gift that God has given me. It allowed me to grow in my faith. Would I do it again? ANYDAY! Should we do it again? The devil will have won the battle in the end if we don’t. Hans Hartmann Paramedic Believer ”

Evangelie op die spel, 04/05/2009, faan
Dankie prof Konig dat jy bereid is om die sweer oop te maak wat die kerk van binne vergiftig. Die kerk spook met strukturele kerkhereniging en soveel energie gaan daarin terwyl Rome brand.

Kerk gebou, 03/05/2009, Piere
Dank vader dat die kerk ’n gebou uit klip en baksteen is , sonder ’n hart.Die ware kerk is ’n hart gevul met Jesus.Geen geleerdes , debatte , huisbesoeke , sinode of ds. ens is nodig nie.Vra my ek gewone , gelowige weet.

Common man, 03/05/2009, Pietpicasso
“The commonality of the common man is his commonness.” Dit is op CorrieB van toepassing. Corrie, logika het n goue draad wat deur debatte loop, en joune is die pad byster. Prof Konig is juis die prof wat die Bybel en die goddelike waarhede daarin vervat, verdedig. Dit is die ander professors Vos en Human wat nie die bybelse waarhede glo nie. Vat hulle by die teologiese fakulteit van die NG Kerk by Tukkies aan, asseblief.

Dink Konig dalk hy is Koning?, 03/05/2009, CorrieB
Geagte Prof…Ek aanvaar dat u welbelese en hoogsgekwalifiseerd is. Ons as “oningeligtes” (relatief tot u wye kennis) probeer altyd om die boodskap in sy geheel te lees, verstaan en te glo. Die Woord is baie duidelik oor die fragmentasie en selektiewe omgang daarmee. U moet toegee dat AL u kennis en geleerdheid kom uit materiaal wat deur mense geskryf is. Uself is nou besig om boeke te skryf as “gesag” op u vakgebied. Wat ontstellend is, is u “self verheffing” tot ’n “gesag” wat nou die Woord in twyfel kan trek: Op grond waarvan Prof? U eie interpretasie? U wil sekere dele van die Woord aanvaar en ander nie? Is dit nie presies wat die satan se val gelei het nie? en is dit nie presies waarmee hy hom besig gehou het deur die eeue nie? U het nou so “slim” geword dat u presies die satan se werk vir hom doen? Christene hoef nie die evangelie te verdedig teen die aanvalle van diegene soos u nie Prof…ons kan egter onomwonde aan u stel dat Jesus ook vir u gesterf het, en dat Hy u ook liefhet soos elke ander van sy kinders. Gehoor van die “KISS” beginsel Prof?(Keep it simple Stupid!) GEEN redenasies van u en u gelykdenkendes kan die Boodskap weerle nie…die Woord is vir EWIG maar teoriee en teoretici soos u is tydelik en vergaan en verdor soos gras in die woestyn..

Konig Boek, 03/05/2009, Dirk Hall
Al die slim Bybel geleerdes… Die Woord se van die wat die volk valshede leer, julle sal daarop moet antwoord en verduidelik. Dit sluit al die Profs in wat hier met mekaar verskil. Daar is net een waarheid en dit is die tweesnydende Woord. Kaf en koring sal geskei word. Die Bybel is self verklarend en duidelik. DIT IS ONGELUKKIG NIE TOEGANKLIK VIR ALMAL NIE!! Pasop Groot Hoer en haar dogters, die tyd raak baie min.Daar is kans maak reg! All die profs en Konig ook.

As Jack Smit ‘sense’ wil praat, kan ons saampraat, 03/05/2009, Pietpicasso Jack Smit, om die alfabet op die internet te plak getuig nie van kennis nie, maar van ’n internetplakker. Waarom Konig wil aanvat oor die doop ? Laat my toe dat ek as gewone mens jou sommer antwoord asseblief. In Eksodus 24:8 was die verbond wat God met die mens gemaak het, deur Moses beseel terwyl hy die bloed van lammers op die volk(babas ingesluit) besprinkel het. Die nuwe verbond wat God met die mens gemaak het, naamlik Jesus Christus, is deur Jesaja aangekondig. Toe is aangekondig dat Jesus se bloed menige uitverkore nasies gaan besprinkel. As teken daarvan dat Jesus eerste gehandel het, word babas simbolies met water besprinkel. Dit is maar net blote getuie van wat God lankal terug vir ons gedoen het. En Jesus se bloed het menige nasies besprinkel, en dit sluit babas in. Dalk het jy nie teoloee nodig nie, maar gewone mense in jou lewe.

“Tell my people their transgression”, 03/05/2009, Matt Heyns The Oxford Classical Dictionary Second Edition p 233 states that “Constantine combined veneration for the ‘Unconquer Sun my companion’ with that of Christ” This frank and honest statement is confirmed by three other authorative sources as well namely one of the most knowledgeable scholars in this field. Franz Cumont, candidly states on p.288 of the book Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism “The vague deism of Constantine strove to reconcile the opposition of helioatry (sun worship)and Christianity. John Ferguson states in The Religions of the Roman Empire p.56 “Constantine’s god was a fusion of the Unconquered Sun and Christ the Victorious.” The Christians could not long hold out against the flood and the signs of compromise, to which the Catholic Church participated in the matter, can be seen in the coincidence of the Lord’s Day with Sunday and the Church’s adoption of the 25th day of December, the birthday of the Unconquered Sun-god, as the anniversary of the birth of Christ. Pagan worship is forbidden to the people of the Almighty, even if mixed with True Worship. Many Scriptures testify to this.

Konig., 03/05/2009, Oud-lidmaat
Uit die aard van die saak kan ek nie op bo-genoemde kommentaar lewer nie, omdat ek nie die boek gelees het, en ook nie weet presies waaroor alles gaan nie. Wat ek wel kan sê is dat die klomp teoloë wat so in die openbaar baklei, alles afbreek wat oor 2 000 jaar opgebou is. Ek weet van ’n hele paar oud-lidmate wat vandag atheiste is, net omdat daar geen liefde en geen stabiliteit in die kerk meer is nie. Elke teoloog vir homself, en de hel met die res. Bring terug die ou N.G. Kerk van 1953, en dinge sal sommer weer baie beter gaan. Vandat persoonlike huisbesoek afgeskaf is; die Bybel na ’n “vreemde” soort Afrikaans (vol foute) vertaal is; preekstoele en pyporrels uitgebreek en met sogenaamde “bands” vervang is; predikante en kerkraadslede met “Tom Boys” vervang is; die Belhar-beleid in lidmate se kele afgedruk is; en vele ander onnodige veranderings ingebring is, het dinge begin verkeerd loop in die kerk. Toe ek eendag teenoor dr Fritz Gaum kla dat ek nie meer deur my predikant en my twee kerkraadslede besoek word nie, het hy gesê: Dis nie ’n predikant se plig om agter jou aan te loop nie. Jy kan met hom ’n bestelling maak om hom in kantoor-ure by sy kantoor te kom spreek!” Nouja, dr Gaum, daar het jy dit nou. Jou kerk loop leeg. Sommige van jou lidmate het atheiste geword; ander het by sektekerke aangesluit, en nog ander is totaal kerkloos, want dr Gaum weet nie wat in sy gemeente aangaan nie. Hy stel net belang in ’n vet bankbalans en vergeet dat om ’n predikant te wees, ’n ROEPING is, en nie ’n BEROEP nie.

KotsVos is weer los….., 03/05/2009, Picasso
By Tukkies se fakulteit van Teologiese Terroriste is die kotsvos weer los. Prof KotsVos en HumanPuke staan aan die hoof daarvan, en die doel van die fakulteit is om teologiese terroriste oftewel kotsvosse die wereld in te stuur wat marginale christene finaal moet mislei sodat hulle nie in Jesus Christus glo nie. Die taktiek van die kotsvosse is te wil braak op alles wat elemente van die ware evangelie van Jesus Christus bevat. Die suurreuk verbonde aan hulle dade moet dan soos ‘pepper spray’, alle voornemende Christene van die ware evangelie afsit. Die kotsvosse wat as ‘NG teoloee’ probeer deurgaan, wys jou net hoe diep die antichriste al die geledere van die christendom binnegedring het. “Wees waaksaam my mede-Christene, en moenie julle deur kotsvosse laat mislei nie.”

Pjoekers se klub word groter, 03/05/2009, Pieter Oosthuizen
Puke Watson het nog 2 maatjies bygekry. Nou het ons ook n prof puke Vos, en n prof puke Human. En toe was hulle 3. In al drie gevalle, moes die drie pjoekers nie eers in die span gewees het nie. En om hulle ooglopende gebrek aan talent, insig, en seeninge weg te steek, wil hulle maar n bietjie pjoek op die ware jakob. Klink soos Sataniste aan die werk, wat as hulle nie weet hoe om die Bybel te gebruik nie, dan ontlas hulle maar daarop. In die Gaza-strook ontlas die Palestyne ook gereeld op die grafte van Joodse ou testamentiese profete en figure. Swart huisrowers doen dieselfde in huise van mense wie se huise hulle roof. In Marloth park breek bobbejane die vensters van inwoners wat nie tuis is nie, en steel dan suiker, hoendereiers, en ander vrugte voordat hulle die pad vat. Maar eers ontlas die bobbejane die hele plek vol, wat dan bykans 2 dae vat om die plek weer skoon en leefbaar te kry. Prof Puke Vos, en prof Puke Human; – in Marloth Park anderkant Nelspruit, is daar vir julle tussen die bobbejane n tuiste. In die Gaza-strook sal die Palestyne julle met julle unieke talente ook verwelkom.

adrio konig, 03/05/2009, jack smit
Adrio is n teoloog wat slimmer as God se Woord wil wees. Ek daag hom uit om bv vir my uit die Bybel te wys dat baba doop in besprinkeling bybels is. ( Hy is n sterk voorstaander daarvan)Teoloë is soos die fariseers, vol “kennis” maar sonder Jesus.Dit wat nodig is vir n verhouding met God( liefde, geloof, die H Gees en die gawes v d Gees) word ontvang sonder teologies kennis Ek het nie n teoloog nodig nie, dankie.

My latest blog has reference. The heading should read as follows: The contents of the New Covenant is the same as the Covenant of old., 03/05/2009, Matt Heyns You are kindly requested to update my last entry. Much appreciated.

The contents of the New Covenant and the Covenant of old, 03/05/2009, Matt Heyns Namely the Law of Yahuweh of which the Ten Words, The Living Words or the Ten Commandments form the basis or foundation. These Ten Words were given on two tables. The second table with tje last six Cmmandments is the basis of the ethical or social law. The first table with the first four Cmmandments is the basis of the religious law. The second is the basis of our love towards our neighbour, our fellow man. The first table is the basis of our love towards Yahuweh. For over 2000 years the “Church” has been striving to get people to adhere to the ethical or social laws iaw the laws of the second table, the love towards our neighbour and fellowman. But what about the love towards Yahuweh,the first table,the religious laws? These have been schokingly neglected, turned aside, done away with or ignored. The very essence of Yahushua our Saviour’s final message in Revelation 12 to 22is that of the sad neglect, in fact, even rejection of the love towards Yahuweh iaw the religious laws.

Is Konig op die verkeerde of regte spoor?, 03/05/2009, Pieter Loubser
Dit is opvallend dat diegene wie kommentaar lewer nie werklik weet wat om hulle gebeur nie. Daar is soveel nagevorsde stukke oor hierdie onderwerp beskikbaar en Prof Konig is op ’n manier reeds “mosterd na die maal”. Die groot vrees is duidelik dat iemand (baie) uitgevang gaan word dat hulle nie die saak deeglik ondersoek het nie en ander voor hulle tot ’n ander slotsom kom. Dink, vra, wonder, ondersoek, twyfel, en jy kom tot ander insigte.

Die enigste weermag, 03/05/2009, Leah Prins
Christendom die enigste weermag waar Soldate wat aan dieselfde kant baklei, mekaar doodskiet.

Konig, 03/05/2009, Christien
Hierdie on christelike getwis deur die teoloë laat ’n permanente slegte smaak in ’n mens se mond. Dink hulle almal buiten hulself is onnosel en ongeletterd ? Ek kan lees en dink en bid. Die Heilige Gees is ook my hulp. Iemand het selfs vroeër in die week on Beeld gessê ons kan nie bybelverse sonder ’n teoloog lees om dit vir ons te verduidelik nie. Hulle is besig om alles in die Woord onder verdenking te bring en smaakloos te laat.Die Christenmens is deur geweldige tye deur die Bybel gedra waneer hy in sy eensaamheid en afsondering op sy knie?eerval. Dan is dit net hy en sy Bybel en sy geloof dat God daardeur met hom sal praat. Die kerke loop leeg omdat die predikante te “slim” geword het .

Konig, 03/05/2009, Walter
Konig is baie kontroversieel. Kan nie glo Lux Verbi publiseer sy boeke nie. Snaakse taktiek om boeke te verkoop, he? Ek weet wat sy opinie is rondom die maagdelike geboorte, Jesus se opstanding en homoseksualisme. Opinie is gevaarlik. Adrio, hoe sterk is jou binnekamer lewe?

Sonder vrae en boek debat nutteloos, 03/05/2009, Brentie
Sonder dat ’n mens die betrokke boek gelees het en weet wat die vrae is lyk dit vir my is enige debat nutteloos. Miskien kan die blogskrywer die 5 vrae en standpunte rondom dit opsom. Meer mense sal dan hul opinies daaroor kan uitspreek.

Sun worship has been merged with the Messianic belief, 03/05/2009, Matt Heyns
A prominent man once said “The Almighty has turned and has given us, of the so called “Christian church” and the so called “Christian world”, up to worship the host of heaven, which comprises the sun, the moon and the stars, of which the sun is obviously the most important. He did this to Yisrael after He brought them out of Egypt, the land of sin. The startling truth is that He has done it again, to us! The Almighty delivered Yisrael up to worship the host of heaven, because they would not abide buy, and remain faithful to the Covenant, the “Ten Words”. Yisrael would not abide by the “Living Words” which they received from the Messanger on Mt. Sinai, through the mediation of Moses. Likewise, our Saviour, the Mediator of the New Covenant has been seeking to mediate the New Covenant to us.

Onnodig, 03/05/2009, Jacko
Die twee professore se persoonlike aanval op Prof Konig laat veel te wense. As hulle hiedie stellings gemaak het weet hulle duidelik nie wie hy is nie. Fokus eerder op die openhartige vrae en debateer die soos beskaafdes.

Ng vs Kuun, 03/05/2009, Hein
Ek stel voor die NG-Kerk se woordvoerders hou hulle by hulle taak, totdat hulle kerke ophou leegloop, voordat hulle enige ander persoon se teologie aanval. Die balk en splinter voorbeeld kom hier te sprake. Wie dink hulle in elk geval is die NG Kerk? Hy het lankal sy aanspraak verloor as die spreekbuis van die volk, daardie tyd toe die NP sy staanplek verloor het.

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