CRCA breek alle bande met die NG Kerk

In Mei 2022 het die sinode van die CRCA (Christian Reformed Churches of Australia) besluit om alle bande met die NG Kerk en die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika te verbreek weens hierdie kerke se standpunte oor homoseksualiteit.

Reeds in Oktober 2015, direk na die NG Kerk vir die eerste keer ruimte gemaak het vir selfdegeslagverhoudings, betreur John Westendorp van die CRCA hierdie besluit in ’n artikel (kyk SA’s NGK and SSM).

In die notule van die sesde vergadering van die NG Kerk se algemene sinodale moderamen (ASM) 2015-2019, Maandag 10 September tot Woensdag 12 September 2018 word die volgende genotuleer:

10.3 CRCA


Die CRCA het via korrespondensie bande met die NG Kerk verbreek as gevolg van die besluit oor selfdegeslagverhoudings.

Die vergadering neem kennis.

Daniel Louw het die CRCA gekontak om hierdie te bevestig en om te hoor hoekom hulle hierdie besluit geneem het nadat die NG Kerk die 2015-besluit omgekeer het met die 2016-besluit. Die CRCA het soos volg op die navraag gereageer:

Our Synod in 2018 suspended a relationship of Church in Ecclesiastical Fellowship (what you might refer to as a sister church). This was not a breaking of ties at that point, but a suspension of the relationship with a clear statement that the relationship would be terminated at our following Synod unless there was repentance in the DRC on the decisions they had made in relation to SSR.

It should be noted that we were represented in person at the Extraordinary Synod that was held in Pretoria from November 6-10, 2016 and were given opportunity to speak. Our delegates would not agree with the simple summary that the decision of 2015 was reversed in 2016. For example, while you say the decisions were reversed, our delegates noted that while on the whole the decisions speak about homosexual orientation and not practice, the General Synod affirmed the right of church councils to decide for themselves who may serve in office, including those in same sex relationships. Again, while acknowledging marriage as between one man and one woman, it at the same time accepts that there are members who live in same sex civil unions in love and faithfulness. We believe that both of these conclusions are contrary to Scripture, and evidence of an unsound hermeneutic that represents an entirely new way of looking at Scripture that denies our reformational heritage.

We continued to have contact with the DRC and informed the DRC that unless there was repentance that our relationship would be terminated. The DRC confirmed that their position had not changed. As a result, the CRCA made a decision at its Synod in May 2022 to terminate the relationship.

6 August 2022

Hier volg die bewoording volgens die notule van die CRCA se sinode in Mei 2022:

Article 15: Report 2 – Committee for Ecumenical Relations

2. That since there has been no repentance in their decisions on homosexuality, our relationships with the NRCA and the NGK be terminated.

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