Swak ontwerp/oorblyfselorgane (“Vestigial organs”)

As evolusie waar is, sal ’n mens verwag dat daar organe in die liggaam is wat geen funksie het nie. Dit is omdat evolusie ’n ewekansige proses is – in ’n ewekansige proses kan alles nie net van die begin af werk nie. Indien alle organe in die mens se liggaam wel ’n funksie het, dan is dit eerder ’n bewys dat dit spesiaal ontwerp is, dus IO (intelligente ontwerp).

In 1980 was daar ’n lys van 180 organe in die mens se liggaam wat na bewering geen funksie gehad het nie. Volgens evolusioniste was hierdie organe oorblyfselorgane (“vestigial organs”) van evolusie en is gebruik as bewys vir evolusie. Organe wat tipes as voorbeelde hiervan gebruik is, is mangels, die blindederm en verstandstande (daar is onlangs gevind dat die vroeë verwydering van mangels die risiko vir hartaanvalle verhoog. Kyk Surgical Removal of the Tonsils and Appendix Associated With Risk of Early Heart Attack, Study Suggests en Kids’ tonsil, appendix operations tied to heart attack: What parents must know). Hierdie lys van organe met oënskynlik geen funksie het egter gekrimp van 180 in 1980 tot 0 in 1999. Dus is daar geen orgaan in die mens se liggaam wat nie ’n funksie het nie (al is dit hoe gering) en is dus baie goeie bewys vir IO.

Tans is daar nogsteeds enkele organe in diere wat gesien word as oorblyfsel organe, maar dit bewys nie evolusie nie. Daar is twee moontlikhede vir organe wat oënskynlik nie ’n rol het nie:

  1. Ons weet nog net nie wat die funksie daarvan is nie (soos die 180 organe in die mens in die voorbeeld hierbo).
  2. Dit het ’n funksie gehad, maar agv die sondeval het die mensdom gedegenereer. Dus kon ons liggame sommige funksies verloor het. Voorbeelde is vlerke van voëls wat nie kan vlieg nie.

Wat is die les:

  • 1 Kor 8:2: As iemand meen hy het kennis van iets, het hy nog nie die kennis wat ’n mens behoort te hê nie.
  • 1 Kor 13:9: Want ons ken ten dele en ons profeteer ten dele.
  • Job 38:4: Waar was jy toe Ek die aarde se fondamente gelê het?
  • Job 38:19: Hoe loop die pad na die plek waar die lig woon?
  • Job 38:24: Hoe loop die pad na die plek toe waar die lig sy oorsprong het en die oostewind oor die aarde begin waai?
  • Job 38:33: Weet jy hoe die hemelliggame werk?
  • Job 42:6: en nou verag ek myself, nou sit ek vol berou, in sak en as.

Ons moet onsself nie te slim hou nie! As die Bybel volgens ons nie sin maak nie, wie is ons om te sê dat die Bybel verkeerd is en ons met ons beperkte kennis, reg is? Daar is al soveel wetenskaplikes wat al in die verlede dinge beweer het net om later verkeerd bewys te word. Op ’n stadium het wetenskaplikes beweer dat koffie sleg vir ’n mens is, maar dit lyk of al meer mense sê dat matige inname goed vir jou is. Kyk The Truth About Coffee en Is Coffee Bad for You? Actually, Drinking Coffee May Be Good for You. Net so met eiers. Vir meer voorbeelde, kyk Meerderheid verkeerd. In die verlede was daar wetenskaplikes wat gedink het dat sommige dele in die Bybel verkeerd bewys is, maar latere bewyse het hulle verkeerd bewys en die Bybel reg. Dr Clifford Wilson, ’n argeoloog het eenmaal gesê: “Daar was al baie beweer dat sommige dinge die Bybelse weergawe weerspreek, maar die Bybel het ’n gewoonte om reg bewys te word op die ou einde. Ek onthou een van die wêreld se voorste argeoloë by Geser wat ’n jonger argeoloog tereggewys het wat die Bybel afgemaak het as gemors. Hy het net saggies gesê: “Wel, as ek jy was, sou ek nie die Bybel afmaak as gemors nie.” Toe die jonger argeoloog “Hoekom?” vra, het hy geantwoord: “Wel, dit het ’n gewoonte om reg bewys te word op die ou einde”.” (Kyk Aanhalings – Argeologie.)

Kyk ook:

Is die skepping-evolusie kwessie belangrik?

Die volgende is ’n aanhaling uit The ‘Indoctrinator’:

A survey at a university in Sydney, Australia, showed that approximately 80% of first year students at that institution ‘believe in a God who is there’. But ‘By their second year only 15% believe in God’. It is plain to see that this university has convinced these students that there is no God nor any need of God via the teaching of Secular Humanism, which is of course based upon evolution.

Experience shows that these results are not unique to this university, nor to Australia, but are a world-wide phenomenon. Our young people (including those attending Bible-believing churches) are being subjected to an indoctrination program which leaves many of them indifferent to the things of God, closed to the Gospel, full of doubts or quietly slipping away from their faith. This indoctrination is not limited to university, being taught constantly at school, and from the media. It is a bizarre reality that some churches and ‘Christian’ schools are enthusiastic collaborators in this indoctrination.

The first author (W.A.) remembers when he first met one student, ‘Greg’, who attended this very university and whose faith was in tatters. Greg was being taught genetics from a strictly evolutionary viewpoint and he found it hard to reconcile these ‘facts’ with his Biblical ‘beliefs.’ He was an active member of a large church whose pastor rejected our offer of assistance, claiming the church was well equipped to counteract such non-Biblical teaching. Sadly, some pastors, especially in churches which practise a ‘closed pulpit’, think that a parent will come to them with any apologetics problems their kids might be facing, but in practice the first they hear is an anguished parent saying ‘My child has come home from school /university saying he’s an atheist and the Bible’s disproven by evolution, and you parents and the Church have their heads in the sand.’

Sadly we meet many ‘Gregs’ in churches, and their church is either unaware of their turmoil, or won’t or can’t deal with the problem. People (especially the young) have many questions and doubts which undermine their faith. For example: How can God be a God of love with all the death, disease and suffering in the world? How can we all be descended from Adam and Eve with all the different skin colours? What about carbon-14 dating — doesn’t it prove the world is billions of years old, when the Bible indicates thousands? They can’t both be correct. And so on.

What about your church? Are your leaders aware that these very same doubts are most assuredly running through many members minds? Or does your leadership just ignore it, hoping it will go away? It won’t, the people will. Yet the answers are readily available — The Creation Answers Book (above) answers every one of the above questions. But all Christians need to ‘be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have’, as the Apostle Peter commanded in 1 Peter 3:15.

Some just say ‘Have faith’ or ‘Just stick to the Gospel’, as if this were enough. But real answers (such as the ones the Apostles provided in their day) have such exciting results. Consider the following comments:

  • ‘Very, very useful, as I’m facing many of these questions at Uni — I’m so glad the answers are available.’
  • ‘It’s great to have so much evidence against what is believed by the world.’
  • ‘As a new Christian a lot of questions were answered.’
  • ‘Excellent, picked exactly on the problems faced at school’
  • ‘It’s bringing my children back.’
  • [Update: see ‘No excuse not to believe’ by Lita Cosner]

These and many more have appeared in our comments book which accompanies some of the CMI speakers when we speak at churches. Questions answered, faith restored, lives transformed!

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